Tenants from hell

While the vast majority of tenants pay rent on time and look after the property, this isn’t always the case. we take take a closer look at the proverbial ‘tenants from hell’ and just how bad some tenants can be.

Hopefully, though, you’ll never have to deal with a ‘ tenant from hell’ that is truly as awful as these examples.

The graffiti on the wall… and ceilings

Graffiti inside your property, uncleaned, can be a great inconvenience, not to mention how disrespectful it is.

One report in the Daily Mail from March 2022 provides an example of how foul some tenants can be. A tenant of a two bedroom flat in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset graffitied walls and ceilings, including expletives directed towards the landlord, causing £2,000 in damage. A local decorator described it as the ‘worst residential job’ he had ever faced.

Image of a graffitied bedroom and a shed packed with household junk.

Add such issues as stained mattresses, discarded children’s toys in the bedrooms, a smashed front window, bathroom tiles ripped off the wall, holes in the garage roof and piles of rubbish, and it’s fair to say the tenants who left behind such problems can truly be described as ‘tenants from hell’.

The cannabis farm

In early 2023, a landlord was left £15,000 out of pocket after tenants transformed his home into a cannabis farm. Getting your money back in such circumstances can be a long journey. Do you have suspicions that your property has been turned into a cannabis farm? Call the police if you have proof or ask tenants’ permission for a property inspection, providing at least 24 hours’ notice.

Image of a cannabis farm and wads of £20 notes.

Tenants living rent-free

It’s common for landlords to go through the hassle of trying to evict tenants, only for them to stay put without paying rent. Illegal renting is punishable by up to five years in prison, and politely remind your tenants of this in your letters. Be calm yet assertive when dealing with unpaid rent. Patience is also crucial since these issues can drag on.

The cost of living crisis has impacted everyone. So, before taking any action, firstly try to understand your tenant’s situation and why they may be struggling with rent.

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Jackie, CIA Landlord Insurance

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At CIA Landlord Insurance, we are friendly experts in assisting you in finding the most suitable cover for your bespoke needs.

How to manage your property portfolio during whirlwind interest rates

…And a whirlwind it is indeed. The interest rates in the property market have had a negative impact on landlords, however, there are always ways in which landlords can mitigate the stresses of fluctuating interest rates. Here, we will look at how to manage your property portfolio during whirlwind interest rates. 

Stacks of coins with arrows going up and down to represent interest rate fluctuation

The Bank of England has raised interest rates from 1.25% to 1.75%, which has been the biggest rise in interest rates in 27 years. But that’s not all. Since August of 2022, interest rates have increased a further 0.5%, to 2.25%. Predictions show that the interest rates are said to rise to 6%. That’s a steep increase, we can all admit. 


Further to this, there has been an increase in buy-to-let mortgage rates, which inevitably directly impacts landlords. For homeowners who have a two or five-year fixed-rate agreement, this may not be an issue right away, however, those due to refinance will be negatively affected by this.


Costs like landlord insurance also need to be considered when thinking of investing in property to ensure that your investments are protected from external risks. Contact CIA Landlords today to find out how to best insure your properties. 


So, how do you build yourself a profitable property portfolio among these increasing rates? And if you already have a property portfolio, then how do you protect it so that it is still worth your while? 


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we will take a look at what a property portfolio is and how to manage it whilst managing all other expenses. 

A few house models scattered around

What is a property portfolio?  

A property portfolio is a collection of real estate owned by a person, a group of people or a corporation. 


To successfully own a property portfolio in the UK means to buy a handful of investment properties in order to rent them out to tenants. The result of this is to get a higher return on your investment than only having a single property. 


One important thing to consider when starting your property portfolio is to diversify your portfolio by incorporating different property types and different areas. The reasoning behind this is that if you are experiencing issues with one of your properties, you still have a few others that can generate a stream of income. 


Another advantage to owning a property portfolio is that you can start a buy-to-let business that can be turned into a full-time revenue-generating project. 

How to manage a property portfolio during whirlwind interest rates

We now know of the benefits of having a property portfolio, but how do we manage that portfolio to ensure that it is profitable and worth the investment? Here are a few top tips that will be sure to help you out. 

Make sure your finances are in order

There are ongoing costs to consider when deciding to establish a property portfolio; it comes as no surprise that money builds the foundation you need to have a successful portfolio. The property market is a lucrative one where the demand is high. Since the pandemic of 2020, the number of people investing in property has increased dramatically. 


The UK House Price Index from the Office for National Statistics shows that property prices have dropped with regard to property value since last year from £292,404 to £285,009. So, now is a great time to invest in property. 


There are also other costs to consider before taking on a project like this:


  • Stamp duty
  • Property management fee 
  • Income tax on profits
  • Maintenance expenses
  • Ground rent
  • Capital gains tax
  • The cost of a mortgage

With all of these extra costs, it is difficult not to feel overwhelmed, but that is why CIA Landlords can help you find the best quote for landlord insurance out there! 

What are your goals?

Before walking into property investment, you need to be sure about what you want to achieve with your portfolio. Do you want short-term financial gain, or do you want to secure your long-term future? Knowing what your goals are will help you decide on the type of investment strategy to take. 


For example, if you want to ensure that your retirement is sought after, investing in residential homes is the way to go because they have the highest rates of capital gain. But, if you want money to come through quicker, then investing in student housing is a good approach because they are cheaper to maintain and offer higher yields. 

Tenant types

Similarly to finding out what your goals are, you should decide on the type of tenants you allow to rent out your property. You want to make sure that people who rent out your property will be reliable and will look after their space. 


Further to this, when you understand your target tenants, you will understand what they want from a property and what you can offer them. The interests of tenants have shifted since the most recent pandemic due to people working from home more frequently, so tenants will be looking out for certain amenities when looking to rent. 

Consider hiring a property management company

Managing your own property portfolio may not be something that you want to be involved with. If this is the case, then you should consider hiring a  property management company to do the hard work for you. 


By hiring a property management company, you will not need to worry about tenant screening, ensuring your properties are kept up-to-date, or troubleshooting. The company will be the first point of contact with tenants, so you would not need to establish a relationship with them either. 


The only downside to hiring a company to handle these issues for you is that your costs will increase, but if you can afford this, it may be something worth considering. 


This option gives you the freedom to carry on with your day job and more time to research new property investment opportunities. 

Cartoon properties in a city

Think about your location

Deciding where to invest your money when it comes to property is equally as important as the strategy you decide to take. Researching which areas are profitable and worth your while will help you make the best decision for your property portfolio. 


As a property investor, you want to ensure that your properties bring you revenue so consider things such as monthly rent, the affordability of the property, the potential for growth in pricing, and the amount of profit you will receive and a young demographic for higher rental yields. 


Areas that allow you to tick off most or all of these factors are perfect to invest in. 

Start small

It is a good idea to start small if you have never invested in property before. Perfecting your investment strategy with one property first will leave you feeling confident in moving forward with your portfolio. 


You will also allow yourself to gain all of the knowledge needed before adding more to your portfolio, including the responsibilities you will have as a landlord. If something goes wrong, you will not be risking as much as if you have many properties in your portfolio from the beginning. 

Diversify your property types

Another way to ensure that your property portfolio is profitable is to be diverse in the types of properties you invest in. If you only invest in one type of property, you automatically put your portfolio at greater risk if that type of property fails to earn profit or becomes less favourable. 


If, however, you keep your property portfolio colourful and diverse, you have less of a chance of losing money. Ways in which you can diversify your portfolio is by picking property types that are different to what you already have. For example, if you have invested in student housing, you could try investing in property for bigger families. 


Another strategy that you can use to change up your portfolio is to invest in property in various different cities. 

What is your exit strategy?

You will also need to think about selling your investments and when the time is right to do so. You want to ensure that you sell your property investments at a time when you have made enough profit to be able to retire comfortably – if that is your goal. 

If you are looking to sell your portfolio, you need to understand that this won’t happen overnight and keep an eye on the property market so that you ensure that you sell at the best possible time. Investing in property is a long-term ordeal and cannot necessarily be used to save you from financial difficulty in the near future. 

Knowing when to sell your portfolio or certain properties within your portfolio is something you should think about. 

Now that you have all of the information needed to manage your property portfolio, you probably need to start thinking about the correct landlord insurance for your individual needs. 

With the best quotes available, CIA Landlords will be with you every step of the way in deciding on the best coverage.

Call us today for more information!

How to Maximise Rental Income in London

It is common knowledge that owning property in London can be an expensive endeavour, however, if you are a landlord, you will be happy to know that there is still a way to maximise your rental income in London. 


As a landlord, it is probably one of your main goals to ensure that owning your property is profitable and worth it. For you to be able to cover the financial costs of your mortgage, repairs and maintenance you will need to ensure that your rental yield is high enough. 


Among other costs, having landlord insurance is a necessity if you want to ensure that your property is secure and looked after. Contact CIA Landlords today for more information.


Although property price and location may feel like a hindrance in London, there are ways to cut outgoings and maximise your profits. 

What is rental yield

Image of graph chart arrows indicating prices going up.

A property’s rental yield is translated as the annual return on investment that you make as a landlord on any buy-to-let property. The rental yield refers to the amount of money left over after rent and then divided by the value of the property. The answer is then multiplied by 100 to be used as a percentage. 

What is a Good Rental Yield?


For your rental yield to be considered profitable, you would need to have a yield of 8% or higher. The rental yield will differ depending on the location that your property is located in. On average, the rental yield in London is between 4-5%, compared to cities like Nottingham and Liverpool which are up to 12%. 


However, there are different things that you as a landlord can implement to increase your rental yield.

How to maximise rental income in London

Sunset over the city of London

What is your tenant profile?

Before renting out your property, make sure that you have the type of tenant in mind that you want to lease your property to. This will make it a lot easier for you to tailor your property to the desires and needs of your potential tenants. If you do this, you will be able to offer the most suitable property to potential tenants which will enable you to charge premium prices. 


If you are targeting students, you want to make sure that your property is near public transportation and cheaper restaurants, for example. But, if you want to target young professionals, you will want to ensure that you furnish the property with the perfect mod-cons. Similarly, transportation is important for young professionals. 


On the other hand, if you are targeting young families, you will want to ensure that there are schools situated nearby, including colleges and fun amenities that families can access. 


If you are interested in investing in London, or if you already have a property portfolio in London and you are on a mission to maximise your rental income, one of the most important aspects to take into consideration is the location of your property. 

Keeping on the lookout for a location that is lower in the purchase price, but in an area that is on the rise in popularity, you have a great chance of increasing your rental income. Things to take into consideration are schools, amenities and great transportation links. 


Tenants want to have access to a property with time-saving facilities, for example, dishwashers, driers and WI-FI that is high-speed. If you ensure that you implement these types of facilities, you will have a higher chance of being able to maximise your rental income. 


What does your ideal tenant want and need in their flat or apartment? Once you figure this out, you will be able to understand the ways in which you can take out landlord contents insurance to protect your property and its facilities. 

Go green

With the government’s goal of reaching net zero by 2050, it is safe to say that there is a colossal focus on sustainable living and ‘going green’, and you can capitalise on this as a landlord, too – even in a concrete jungle such as London. 


There are ways that you can do this, for example, by improving the insulation of your property as well as energy efficiency. New properties must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of “C” by 2025 to comply with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES). Additionally, ensuring that the boiler in your property is being looked after is another way of implementing sustainability for your tenants. 

Maximise on space

If there is an extra space in your property that can be renovated into an extra bedroom or bathroom is a great way to increase your rental income. A second bathroom or extra bedroom is always a key factor in being able to attract great tenants. 


Avoid Vacant Periods

Although not all things in life are controllable, you should try as much as possible to avoid having any vacant periods with your properties. 


One way that you can reduce the likelihood of having extended vacant periods is by asking your tenants in advance about what their plans are regarding renting. If you know in advance that you need to start advertising for another tenant, you can avoid this. 

Consider Allowing Pets

Not many landlords are open to allowing tenants to have pets, however, this may be something that you can maximise on. This shows that you are flexible and tenants always tend to appreciate that. In this way, you will be able to charge extra in rent due to the high demand in wanting pets. 


Regular Rent Reviews

Always be on the lookout for external factors that can influence the rent that you charge. In doing so, you will keep up to date with the property market and will be able to increase or lower your rent as needed. 


Things to consider are any new developments in the area of your property such as schools or retail developments.

Assess Your Outgoings

If you already have a property portfolio, you will probably be aware that keeping an eye on your financial outgoings is vital to the success of your rental income. Prices are always fluctuating so being aware of any deals that you can utilise and implement will support you in increasing your rental income. 

High rise apartment building

Keep Up to Date with Regulations

It is your responsibility as a landlord to ensure that you keep up to date with regulations that are relevant to leasing out a property, such as health and safety regulations, and the Renter’s Reform Bill’s new changes, tax regulations, or landlord insurance

Get in touch with CIA Landlords today for more information on the type of landlord insurance you need by calling us on 01788 818 670.

Where’s the most expensive place to own a buy-to-let in London?

London has a reputation for being extravagant and lavish, and is the cultural capital of England; recently being named the best city in the world where factors such as cultural diversity, employment opportunities and social events were considered and, of course, this results in high property prices. As well as the cosmopolitan lifestyle that comes with living in London, there is a type of heritage that only a city as old as this holds. So, where’s the most expensive place to own a buy-to-let in London? 

Red London telephone booth with Big Ben in the background

With the responsibility of owning a property in the country’s capital comes the responsibility of owning landlord insurance, with coverage that is suitable and affordable. Contact CIA Landlords today to find the best quotes for your landlord insurance

The Most Expensive Streets In London

Did you know the top ten most expensive streets to buy property in the UK are all based in London? 

Kensington Palace Gardens, a.k.a millionaire’s row

Buying property in Kensington Palace Gardens is 50% more expensive than the second most expensive street (Philimore Gardens, which we will go into more detail shortly), averaging £35.3m. 


There are three types of residents living on millionaire’s row, royal residents, diplomats, or filthy rich celebrities. There are eight ambassadorial properties and embassies in Kensington Palace Gardens – Israeli, Russian, Nepalese, Lebanese, Japanese, Slovakian, and Czech Embassy. 

Philimore Gardens

Philimore Gardens is situated in Kensington and is officially the most expensive street to buy property in the UK. The average price for property here is £23.8m and is found adjacent to the aristocratic Kensington Palace. 


One would need to have a certain level of wealth to own property here. Some celebs that own property here are Robbie Williams and David and Victoria Beckham. 

Grosvenor Square

Located in Mayfair, the second most expensive street to buy property in is Grosvenor Square. The average price for property here is £23.5m. As well as ranking as the second most expensive street to live on in London, it is the largest square in London. 

Ilchester Place

In third place, we have Ilchester Place quaintly placed in Holland Park. Property here averages £17.7m. Known for its grand homes and imposing terraces, Ilchester Place brings with it a different sense of luxury. 

Lamp post next to the Themes with Big Ben in the background

Now you understand why landlord insurance is much needed in areas such as these! Get in touch with us today to find out more. 

Where’s the 5 most expensive places to own a buy-to-let in London



Any tourist visiting London knows that Westminster is an area that needs to be checked off of their bucket list. The area is well known for being home to Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and of course, the Houses of Parliament. 


It comes as no surprise then that the average price for a house in Westminster is £1.69m. Buying property here would mean that you would have neighbours such as the Prime Minister at No.10 Downing Street and the royal family at Buckingham Palace. 


Iconic areas within Westminster include Oxford Road, Bond Street, Regent Street and the West End where one can experience musical theatre and plays. 

Kensington and Chelsea

Also known as the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, one can expect to find property prices averaging at £1.67m. 


A little way out of the hustle and bustle of London Central, some of the most iconic places to visit in this borough include the Royal Court Theatre, and beautiful London parks, such as Kensington Gardens, Holland Park and Hyde Park. 


Kensington and Chelsea houses some of the world’s most famous museums and galleries, such as the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum. 


For families wishing to settle here, there is a range of ‘Outstanding’ rated schools in the area, both primary and secondary. 


You’ll find beauteous Georgian and Victorian homes in Islington with properties averaging £1.64m. Islington has grown in popularity over the past few years where residents enjoy colourful shopping experiences in Camden Passage and mouth-watering cuisines. Islington is known for its hipster neighbourhoods and high-end restaurants. 


As well as the exciting retail opportunities that Islington has to offer, there is a thriving property market consisting of traditional period houses as well as a range of new builds. Property buyers want to get their claws in the market here. 

Hammersmith and Fulham

In Hammersmith and Fulham, you’ll have access to property averaging £1.3m, along with affluence and culture; many properties here overlook the Thames River. 


With popular riverside pubs and Fulham FC (the oldest football clubs to exist), residents are sure to experience culture and harmony. Other popular places to visit are Shepherds Bush Green and College Park as well as the Hammersmith Apollo (currently known as Eventim Apollo).  


Now known as Fulham Palace, property in the area consisted of just this one building (Manor House), however, with the creation of the railway at the end of the 19th century, many more buildings began to pop up, resulting in the community that Hammersmith and Fulham now is. High-end flats and apartments have also sprung up at Imperial Wharf, utilising the riverside location to its advantage. 


Another advantageous thing to consider about the area is that two French schools are nestled within the community for international residents. For students aged between 3 and 6 there is L’Ecole des Petits, and for older students there is Marie D’Orliac. 


Flea markets and live music venues in Camden Market are the heartbeats of Camden, and it is what visitors thrive off of when visiting. Property prices average £1.1m and is regarded as one of the best places to live in London due to its vibrance and culture. 


If market life is not your thing, then Primrose Hill and Regent’s Canal are places you can escape to. What’s more, if families are wanting to settle in the area, there is a long list of schools that can be accessed that are rated as ‘Outstanding’, such as:





If you are a young professional needing to commute to central London, you can do so easily with the use of London’s underground and overground

Why Are London Boroughs In High Demand?

Five model cardboard apartment flats in a line on a table with the third one being picked up by a hand

A part from New York, London has the biggest financial district, which inevitably results in London being one of the most popular cities to live in. The colossal amount of wealth circulating in London does not make any exception for its massive cultural hub where one can access any type of vibe. 


As well as the modern infrastructure and systems that come with living in London, there is a rich history that goes hand in hand with picturesque architecture. London is one of the oldest cities in the world with its history spanning over 2,000 years, but is equally the metropolis of England. 


With all of this wealth and history comes a strong desire for consumers to want to live in the area; there is ample opportunity to create a successful and vibrant lifestyle in London. 

So, if you are in search of a property in one of these areas in London and need to ensure that you have accurate landlord insurance coverage, give us a call at CIA Landlords at 01788 818 670, or email us at info@cia-insurance.co.uk.

What are London’s top rental boroughs? CIA’s 2023 guide for landlords

The buzz, the culture, and the ability to reach for the stars are common themes when a person thinks of London. It is a hub filled with everything and anything; it is a city that inspires and brings forth unlimited opportunity. It is worth investing in property in London.


So, as a landlord, you may be thinking of investing in property in London, this spectacular hub. But where should you start? There is always a lot to consider when investing in a property, especially in London. We have put together a guide for anyone who is looking to take their next step in property investment. 


But before we get into the details of where to invest in London, you will want to consider finding the best landlord insurance for your properties. At CIA Landlords, we have all of the information that you need to find the best quote that matches your needs as a landlord. 


For more information, contact us today! 

Why investing in property in London is essential

Besides the exciting opportunity that London has to offer, there are also a few practical reasons to invest in the city. 

High Demand for Rentals

The hustle and bustle of London brings a high demand for rental properties with it. There is a constant need for finding a property to rent as a tenant, which makes investing in London worth it! 


Transportation in London is probably the most easily available compared to other cities in the UK. With the Underground, Overground, and Bus services situated in every borough, one can easily get from A to B; this is a major attraction for people living in London. 

World-class Education

If you know anything about education in London, you will know of the prestigious universities and colleges in the area. With universities like Imperial College London, UCL, and King’s College London, there will always be an increase in demand for rental properties, either for families or students. 


Cultural Capital of the World 

London is one of the most diverse cities in the world and due to this, there will always be the need for rental properties. This is an extremely exciting attribute of London and many people would want to be able to experience that for themselves. 

Health and Wellbeing

As with many places in the world today, there has been a massive health and well-being movement in London, with endless whole-food grocery stores and healthy juice bars available. Not to mention the copious amount of parks frequently used by runners and cyclists. 


With all of these glorious perks of investing in London, you will need great deals on landlord insurance. For more information, contact us!

The best boroughs in London



For 2023, North Kensington, Herne Hill, Mayfair, St John’s Wood and Acton have been named the best places to invest in property in London. These areas all fall under different boroughs. 

Westminster borough

Westminster borough houses some of London’s most beautiful architecture and iconic areas. Situated next to the Thames and home to Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, this borough holds within it some of the best places to invest in property. 

St John’s Wood

An affluent haven for many families, St John’s Wood is the proud owner of a glamorous high street, brilliant schools and, of course, Lord’s Cricket Ground. 


According to Rightmove, the average price for a flat within the NW8 area is just under £1.2m and £4.2m for a semi-detached house, while unmodernised properties are trading for £3,000 per square foot. 


There is also some work being done in St John’s Wood that is attractive to landlords and property owners. Work has begun on St John’s Wood Barracks, which used to be the headquarters of the Royal Horse Artillery, and will be creating over 170 homes. 


Mayfair is picturesque, upbeat and right in the heart of London. This is a place where property prices are pretty high, but worth investing in to increase your property portfolio as a landlord. The demand in Mayfair is high and is a very desirable area for consumers. 


Equally, the demand for property in Mayfair is high from both local and international property buyers. Homeowners are spoilt for choice with options ranging from luxury apartment buildings to quaint townhouses, focusing on areas like Grosvenor Square and Clarges Mayfair where the average sale price for property in Mayfair is £4.3m. 


Another pro for looking to invest in Mayfair is the type of investment that Grosvenor Estate puts into the area, being very particular about the type of shops that go onto Mount Street. 


Residents in Mayfair will not also be able to commute easily to and from Heathrow with the new Crossrail line being opened. 

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

If we haven’t spoken enough about affluence and royalty, let’s delve into the world of Kensington and Chelsea Borough. This is one of London’s most prestigious boroughs and has a lot to offer for property buyers. 

North Kensington

Property in North Kensington is laden with Edwardian and Victorian-style houses with high ceilings and exquisite period pieces. The area is slightly cheaper than its neighbour Notting Hill, but still just as affluent. 


The average cost of a one-bedroom property in North Kensington is £525,000, £525,000 for a two-bedroom, and £3m for a four-bedroom property. 


North Kensington has excellent schools on offer for any family looking to reside in the area and is home to many independent eateries. It is an area fit for purpose for families wanting to settle and be part of a community. 

Lambeth borough

This gorgeous borough forms part of inner London and is situated in South London, housing landmarks such as the London Eye and OXO Tower. Lambeth Borough makes for a metropolitan vibe and is perfect for property buyers looking to rent to younger adults starting their careers. 

Herne Hill

Within Lambeth borough sits Herne Hill, south of some of South London’s most green spaces; some would say that this area offers a touch of country living. This is definitely attractive for those looking to buy property in the area. 


If culture and independent restaurants are what you are looking for as a property owner, then Herne Hill is the place to invest in, promising easy access to central London, and a 20-minute walk to beautiful Brixton. 


With property built by wealthy merchants and bankers in the late 1700s, you can be sure to invest in a classic and sophisticated house. With the average sale price of an apartment in Herne Hill being £500,000 and a semi-detached house being £1.5m, buying property in the area will be a worthwhile investment. 


Ealing was dubbed the ‘Queen of the Suburbs’ in the late 1800s and lies comfortably between both city life and country life. The borough is laden with big Victorian homes and offers a peaceful retreat for Londoners. Community is important to residents in Ealing, which is beneficial for any landlord wanting to invest in the area. 


The next area that is recommended to invest in is Acton, a spaciously green area, that still has connections to the rest of London. With a train station being opened in 1853, it very quickly became one of the busiest stations in the area, with 38 trains running through the station by 1868, giving residents the opportunity to travel easily. 


With regards to property in Acton, there is ample opportunity for landlords to invest. There are an array of different types of properties in Acton due to its industrial past, such as Victorian villas (especially in Poet’s Corner), quaint cottages, modish developments and high-rise towers. 


You can expect to pay between £300,000 to £450,000 for a one-bedroom apartment, Can £450,000 to £600,000 for a two-bedroom apartment, and three and four-bedroom houses starting from £700,000. This is, of course, dependent on the type of building, the location and the size of the house. 


Don’t miss out on the best landlord insurance quotes. Call us today for more information on 01788 818670.

How to Make Sure Your Tenants Are Reliable

Being a landlord can provide you with a nice passive income and be a worthwhile business venture. However, whether becoming a landlord is a success or failure for you will depend on how reliable your tenants are.

First things first, you need to get the right tenants who treat your property with respect without causing needless damage, pay rent on time and avoid arrears, and don’t sublet to others or engage in anti-social behaviour or criminal activity while living there.  Let’s delve more into how to make sure your tenants are reliable.

Use a professional agency

This is our top tip on how to make sure your tenants are reliable! Use a professional and well-reputed letting agency to supply and vet your tenants. The fees will usually cost you 5-12% of your monthly rental income per month, but for most people this cost is well worth the reward, after all, finding good tenants should always be at the forefront of your mind when you have a free property.

If you don’t use a professional letting agency, the responsibility of vetting your potential tenants as well as maintaining your relationship, arranging contracts, securing deposits and making any repairs all fall directly on you. If you are renting out a shared house, you also have a duty of care to vet all of your tenants, making sure that those living in your property are safe and comfortable.

Full property management

Full property management goes above and beyond the things that letting agencies can do for landlords. Opting for full property management services not only gives you a helping hand in vetting prospective tenants to ensure they are reliable, but it also ensures the repairs and maintenance, marketing, paperwork, phone calls, and collecting rent are all taken care of. Therefore, due to this comprehensive service, full property management tends to cost a bit more than hiring a letting agency and you can expect to be charged 12-20% of your monthly rental income.

Request to see documents

If you decide not to use a professional letting agency, it is extremely important to request to see vital documents belonging to your potential tenants in order to vet them thoroughly. Listed below are some of the documents you should always ask to check:

  • As a minimum, you should request details of their last three years of residence, National Insurance number, at least two referees and next of kin details

  • You should state that a copy of a driving licence, passport or other proof of identity is a requirement. Two forms of identity are better than one and should be checked to make sure they match. You also need to check your tenants’ date of birth which can be done using either of these two forms of identification

  • Ask to see the last six months of bank statements and be sure to check that the name and address at the top of the statements match other forms of identification.

Use a tenant credit referencing service

Always use a tenant credit referencing service for background checks, this small investment up front could save you fortunes later on. If the reference comes back with any doubt, disregard the tenant immediately. You want to make sure that your tenants will be able to pay their rent every month and on time so there is no point in running the risk with someone who may not be able to do so.

Renting to students can be a great move for you as a landlord, but vetting their tenant credit references is also a smart idea, you don’t want to be saddled with mountains of unpaid from a student tenant with a history of rent arrears from their previous tenancies.

Jackie Compton CIA Landlords “Students bring life and energy to properties. We ensure landlords have the right coverage for these special tenants.”

Take a Deposit

Take at least six weeks’ rent as a deposit to guarantee that you can cover the costs if your tenants break anything. This is just extra security for your benefit and will help to encourage your tenants to look after your property and behave responsibly. You need to lodge the deposit money into a scheme to enable you to withhold parts of it at the end of a tenancy should you need to pay for any damage.

Serve tenants with a two months’ eviction notice if they break the tenancy agreement

Request that your tenants sign a tenancy agreement with you, and if they break it you can give them two months’ notice to vacate your property and regain possession. The Renter Reform Bill aims to strengthen section eight, allowing a landlord to end a tenancy agreement early if they have a legal reason to do so. 

Check your property is being look after

Make visits to ensure your property is being looked after properly. You are obliged to give at least 24 hours’ notice before you visit your property otherwise your tenants have the right to refuse you entry. When you do request visits, try to maintain a good working relationship between you and your tenants and work around when is best for them. Some tenants can be opposed to regular visits and it is easier if you manage expectations professionally with consideration.

For more information on how to find reliable tenants and how the process works, have a look at our landlord insurance policies.